Thursday, November 30, 2006

Competition Dominator

I just wanted to give you all an update on the latest in the adwords, keywords, and competitive marketing universe.

Some of you may know Chris Lee & Goran Nagy from their best selling software titles 'Keywords Analyzer' and 'Adwords Dominator'. They are at it again with their newest offering called Competition Dominator.

I bought a copy of Keywords Analyzer back when it first came out and I have to tell you, I haven't had not one problem with it the entire time I've owned it. Those guys have really good customer support and update the software on a constant basis. I have been truly satisfied with how easy it was to get those really good niche keywords.

It made my entry into the AdWords Marketing arena easy. I really believe I wouldn't have been as successful at it without Keywords Analyzer. I would definately recommend that you get a copy of it if you haven't already. And I want to thank both Chris and Noran for bringing this gem to us eMarketers.

But my reason for posting tonight is to let you know about Competition Dominator. Chris was kind enough to let me get a sneak preview of the software and I have to tell you folks, this is what we have been waiting for. I couldn't believe my eye's when I saw the results this thing threw at me.

The kind of information it gives you in graphical format is unbelievable. Take a look at this screenshot of a marketing analysis chart as a scatterplot (truly amazing). You'll have to get your hands on a copy to truly understand the power of this.

Now you can finally find that crucial piece of information about your competitors that you have been trying so hard to find, but couldn't. Now you know the number of times their Ads occur - are they heavyweight or lightweight... All their ad positions - each one plotted on its own chart over time.. All the keywords their websites rank for on the main search engines, and all their landing pages exposed.

They just released the software, and get this... it is at the lowest price its going to get. Why do I say that? Well, Chris and Noran are going to be raising the price every 2 or 3 days from product launch, so get it Now!

Click the graphic below to go to the home page of Competition Dominator. And please... don't hurt your competition to bad... :-)

Competition Dominator

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I would like to thank all of my eMarketing Fans for sticking with us through the years and especially for our move over to our new blog here at Blogger.

We just moved into our new home here so we don't have much content yet, but we are working hard behind the scenes to gather new and recent news about eMarketing.

Please take the time and bookmark our URL for future reference.

Until next time.

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